Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is this a good toning workout?

Your workout sounds pretty extreme and your physical stats are something to be proud of, just don't overdo it, give your muscles time to rest too. I would suggest that you take at least one day per week off from training so your muscles don't get burnout. Also, don't let your body fat percentage go too low, remember you need some fat to protect your organs. You also need some fat as your body's reserve to call on during stress or illness. As for the food, very healthy, just not enough calories, especially since you're a teen, which meens you're still growing, not to mention that you do cardio and strength training combined. Any athlete would tell you that you have to eat enough calories to do exercise or your body starts to digest its our protein (muscles) for energy. This is because fat is harder to break down than protein, so it goes for the muscles first (and your heart is a muscle, so eventually it too may suffer). Good luck.

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