Tuesday, July 19, 2011

He left and cut me off I guess.. Feel very sad and remember old times..Advise pls...?

there's this pakistani guy i used to work with for about 7 months..we used to sit together in the same room, we were pretty close..we used to laugh together, make jokes, etc..even after we separated into different teams, we would hangout sometimes..go for coffee, walks, etc..but I have to tell u he was mean and rude at times..even though he used to "joke" with me..he used to jokingly call me "b****" (so many times), call me low level, make fun of indians, say im worth a trash can, make fun of south indians(which is what i am) and say they are dirty, degrade me,asked me to BUY him food, cigs, etc... But i liked him much that I tolerated all that...and I never scolded him or told him off..i was always humble to him...But he did like me he told me that..and as I said we used to hang out and were close than he was to any1 else in the company... last month he was terminated from the job...the last day he left he did not even hug me or shake my hand (can you believe that)..and didnt even take my email to keep in touch..i just cant believe this?? As i said we were close and had good memories and laughs and im struggling so hard to forget that and him..he even told me I was a good friend and all..I can understand that he follows his culture closely and maybe he doesn't want to keep relation with girls hes not gonna marry but at least he can Mail me as a friend right? To find out how i am , what i am doing etc?..I dont expect him to keep a relation with me..but at least say Hi...and now its been 2 months...Today I found out he left the state and moved to another state... He has not EVEN CONTACTED ME OR CALLED ME(he has my number)...but he hasnt even contacted me...i heard he even got another job and at least he could call me to say HI or email me right? if we weren't close, i wouldnt be surprised but since we used to always talk and hangout, it makes me sad..And as I said i was such a good friend to him and a good person..It makes me sad that He would be willing to loose contact with such a good person as me..He needed me... usualy dont collegues keep in touch??and I also didnt bother to contact him..why should I be the one to go behind when he treated me so bad?? How to let go of this??

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