Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have food poisoning, WHAT DO I DO HELP!!!?

if it's food poisoning, it will pretty much have to work its way out of your system. you can treat symptoms with various over-the-counter meds....pepto bismol can help coat your stomach & reduce the stress. if you've been throwing up very often & there's nothing left, it maybe having spasms now & not just trying to eject more contents. pepto can help relieve that too. some people try TUMS. (it doesn't help everyone. i can't touch the stuff.) once stomach spasms stop, you can try sips of liquid...don't gulp down anything or you could set your stomach off again & toss anything you drink. you're likely dehydrating, but a stomach like yours needs to be treated gently, not drowned. the goal is to drink sips of something and KEEP it, not throw it up. try a little water, some apple juice (not orange juice) or grape juice, gatorade would be good. flat sodas can often help, nothing too fizzy til stomach settles. for the dry lips, try chapstick or lotion for now til you're no longer dehydrated. cold damp rag for your head will help with the temp. if you can stand long enough, try a shower (not cold, just a mild water temp). let yourself airdry. that may help fever until you can swallow meds & keep that. tylenol PM wasn't the best choice, since i think it would be better to keep alert until you get this under control. get somebody to help you tonite....someone who can wake you every couple hrs or so for a few sips of liquid, change the rag on your head til your temp goes down, etc. try lightweight foods tomorrow. your priority now is liquid.

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